The Lost Cavalry's Diary
22/5/12 : Summer Soup
We're recording at the new Soup Studios tomorrow, I'm excited. We have 3 new tracks that are almost mixed now and we're hoping to get time to record 3 more at Soup. All this is in aid of us finally making an album this year.
Also, it's nice and sunny today which makes me wish I was outside - you can never see a laptop screen when out in the sun it seems. Also, I want to buy a boat to live on please. And finally, I finished (sort of) my home made Theremin last night - I'm going to post a little video diary about it I think. It essentially works though is a bit out of control to be honest... good for funny noises I guess...
12/4/12 : New keys to pimp on
I've treated myself to a new keyboard - a Nord Electro 3. I've been a fan of the Nord for a while and played a Studio one when we were recording with the band Knickers last month at OneCat Studios (which was a great studio by the way - recommended!). The Nord Electro 4 comes out in a few months which will have real draw bars, but I thought I'd just get this now so I can use it for Knickers gigs and recording. It's a beauty, nice and red of course and it sounds amazing.
We have agig with Knickers on Friday, first outing for the Nord! It's at Paper Dresses in Shoreditch and is free entry... Knickers stuff is all going really well, our first EP is out soon with a great video too for the lead track.
5/4/12 : RIP Jim Marshall
RIP Jim Marshall - my VS100R has served me well - 15 years and counting!
24/3/12 : Recording and writing
After taking some time off at the start of 2012 we've been back to the practice rooms writing new songs, which is all going to plan! We've always been very slow at getting songs ready for recording, and then even slower at actually getting the recordings finished - which is why we've only managed to release two EPs in three years (!). This year though we're determined to have an album ready (if not actually released). We have 10 unreleased tracks in various states of being half recorded or just about written but not recorded yet. Last night I was recording concertina and vocals for one of them and I'm quite excited about how it's all going.
We've also started booking some gigs, though we won't be doing as many this year so we can concentrate on recording. We're excited to be playing at LeeFest again in the summer, and excited to be supporting Laura Gibson at The Lexington next month. We also played a one-off electronic gig at the Wonderland club night. Jonny Drumsticks was away in Spain so we played a set with drum machine drums programmed by me - we played a few of our usual tracks plus tried out two new ones 'Smoke' and 'Stars Are Ripe' and also played a couple of old ones - 'Up For Air' and 'Disappear'. It was good fun to try out the songs in new ways, and good to play electric guitar again - but I think we'll stick with real-life-Jonny rather than robot-Jonny.
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