The Lost Cavalry The Lost Cavalry

The Lost Cavalry's Diary

28/12/13 : Round up of 2013

The Lost Cavalry album launch at St Pancras Old Church Sep 2013

What a big year 2013 has been for us! We've made a massive amount of new friends (Patch And The Giant, Sophie Jamieson, Worry Dolls, Andrew Butler, Lucy Cait, Inti Rowland, Stephen Hallam, Cameron Niven to name just a few), and of course Ben and Stephen at Folkroom Records. And we've gained a new Cavalryman in the form of Simon McIlhinney.

We've played on the main stage at LeeFest, played a load of gigs around London, and released a split 7" vinyl single with Keston Cobblers' Club (limited edition but copies still available!). We also played at the amazing St Pancras Old Church for the release of our debut album Three Cheers For The Undertaker...

And that's the main thing we're proud of in 2013! We're really very pleased with our album and we're glad we worked on it so long to get it just right. If you haven't had a listen yet, please do... you can buy it or stream it for free.

So happy new year! And We hope 2014 turns out to be a great year for us and for you! TLC.x

16/7/13 : LeeFest 2013 main stage

I think we probably earned our spot this year on the LeeFest main stage! We've been at LeeFest every year for four years now - at first as wandering minstrals, then playing on the Wonderland stage, and this year we graduated to a slot opening the main stage on the Saturday - the first band on for most people at the festival. It was a gloriously sunny day and we were ready to entertain!

We were joined by Angie from the brilliant Patch And The Giant on trumpet, and by new Cavalry member Simon, playing ukulele and melodica, the biggest Cavalry lineup so far - 8 of us. We danced and we played for 30 mins, finishing with a triumphant version of 'The Flood'. It was the biggest buzz I've ever had, singing out to a sunny field of happy festival-goers... LeeFest is an amazing festival, run by a group of lovely people, we're really honoured to have been given our first main stage festival show by them, and we hope to be back again some time!

12/6/13 : Seven inch joint gig with the Cobblers

Last week we played one of the most fun gigs we've ever played - it was to celebrate the release of our first ever vinyl release - a joint single sith Keston Cobblers' Club. It's a split 7" vinyl, with one of their songs on one side and one of ours on the other.

Our track is the new single 'Stars Are Ripe', which as a happy tie-in also features Matt, Bethan and Tom's brass and backing vocals by Jules of Keston. It's a story about George Van Dyne - an empirical modelling scientist who lived in the US and who sadly died in 1981.

To launch the record we played a joint acoustic gig at the Queens Head for Folkroom Records - we didn't use any mics, we just stood around the piano and sang and played. To make it a proper joint-headline we took turns playing one of our songs each, and gradually joined in on each others' songs as much as we could - until by the end we were all playing together and raising the roof! Singing without a microphone is a lot of fun, you feel very unrestricted and free. For the last song we all played a cover of Brown Eyed Girl, with the audience singing along too with the lyrics sheets provided! It was a bit of a special atmosphere... I hope that anyone reading this who came along had as much fun as we did!

24/1/13 : Happy 2013

Hey there, I thought it was about time I wrote something on this diary page! 2013 is going to be an interesting year I think - lots going on with various musical projects, and the London folk scene is getting quite interesting too, loads of great bands and solo artists around it seems - they may have been around for a while but we're just discovering them all, due to being somehow new on the scene having suddenly met loads of great promoters via our friends Keston Cobblers' Club and Patch And The Giant (two bands who I think are going to have VERY interesting years by the way!).

I know we keep saying that our album is 'nearly ready' and have been sayng so for ages - but it really is, we just keep finding little bits to work on just that little bit more, and currently we're working on two older songs that we've decided to remix or re-record for the album versions to make them the best they can be. It all takes time but it'll be worth it. There's a few little bits of drums and things on some songs we want to change, so we're back in Soup studios week after next to do those last (definitely last!) bits.

Right now we have six new songs that are totally finished (apart from mastering), two new ones we're still tweaking and two old ones we're reworking. Add in two more tracks from our current two EPs and that makes up our album we think... 12 tracks. We think we have the name for the album too, but we'll keep that secret a bit longer I think. We're also likely to release one of the new tracks pretty soon with a video, to bridge the gap until we can get the album manufactured and distributed.

Today we took a break from the album and spent a day in the practice room going back over very new ideas for new songs and we came up with live demos of six new-new ones... destined for album number two I guess. It's frustrating not to be able to work on them more now - but we must concentrate on the first album first!

And lastly, I just wanted to say that our first gig of the year last week for Folkroom Records was so much fun - such nice guys too. We played the gig entirely unplugged, no vocal mics even, and it went down really well. Singing without a mic is a great experience, and instruments played acoustically and not through a PA system sound so much nicer I think - it was a great evening. More gigs like that in 2013 I think! Mark.x

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