11th November 2017 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Wunder The Rainbow - 11th November 2017 - Photos my Sameer Ghai
Wunder The Rainbow - 11th November 2017 - Photos my Simeon Jones Photography
Wunder The Rainbow - 11th November 2017 - Photos my Paula Bedwell
16-17th September 2017, Top secret London location
Wonderland: A Decade Of Adventure, Sep 2017. Photos by Sameer Ghai.
Wonderland: A Decade Of Adventure, Sep 2017. Photos by Paula Bedwell.
Wonderland: A Decade Of Adventure, Sep 2017. Photos by Inty Malcolm.
18th March 2017 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Wonders Of The Universe - March 2017 - Photos by www.robertwaddingham.com
Wonders Of The Universe - March 2017 - Photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
8th October 2016 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Wonderland's Wunder The Sea Oct 8th 2016 - photos by Lucy Hanger
Wonderland's Wunder The Sea Oct 8th 2016 - photos by Rhian Clarke
Wonderland's Wunder The Sea Oct 8th 2016 - photos by https://www.facebook.com/zenfireart
19th March 2016 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Wonderland's March Hare 2016 - photos by Lucy Hanger - https://www.facebook.com/Lucyhangerphotography - http://lucyhanger.format.com/open-page
Wonderland's March Hare 2016 - photos by Bruce Blakeley
Wonderland's March Hare 2016 - photos by Bojidar Chkorev https://www.facebook.com/Chkorev
Wonderland's March Hare 2016 - photos by Hyder Images https://www.facebook.com/HyderImages
5th Dec 2015 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Queen Alice - photos by Mike Urban
Queen Alice - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
10th Oct 2015 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Wonderland's Dee, Dum and Dumpty - photos by Hyder Images
Wonderland's Dee, Dum and Dumpty - photos by Jaspar Wyatt
2nd May 2015 - 10pm-6am, POW - The Prince Of Wales, 467-469 Brixton Road, SW9 8HH London
Wonderland In Looking Glass House - photos by ThatWillisPhoto
Wonderland's Looking Glass House - photos by Hyder Images
31st May 2014 - 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Advice From A Caterpillar - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
Wonderland's Advice From A Caterpillar by Leon McFarlane
Wonderland's Advice From A Caterpillar by Mark Levin
1st Feb 2014 - 10pm-6am, Dukes, 18-22 Houndsditch, EC3A 7DB London
Wondernarium Feb 2014 - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
14th December 2013 - 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's The Lion The Witch And The Wonderland - photos by Rachel Hardwick
Wonderland's The Lion The Witch And The Wonderland - photos by Lucy Wildgoose
Wonderland's The Lion The Witch And The Wonderland - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
19th October 2013 - 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's A Galaxy Far Far Away - photos by Rachel Hardwick
Wonderland's A Galaxy Far Far Away - photos by Jon ALAN
Wonderland's A Galaxy Far Far Away - photos by teapothill@yahoo.co.uk
12th-14th July 2013, Highams Hill Farm in Kent
Wondersands at LeeFest 2013 - photos by Joshua Atkins
Wondersands at LeeFest 2013 - photos by Banane Davis
Wondersands at LeeFest 2013
30th March 2013 - 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Never Neverland 2013 - photos by Jaspar Wyatt
Wonderland's Never Neverland 2013 - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
31st December 2012 - 6pm-6am, No mud guarantee!
Elysian New Year 2012-2013 - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
1st December 2012 - 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Winter's Tail - photos by Jaspar Wyatt
Wonderland's Winter's Tail - photos by ThatWillisPhoto
Wonderland's Winter's Tail - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
20th October 2012 - 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Fall's Well That Ends Well - photos by Bruce Blakeley
Wonderland's Fall's Well That Ends Well 2012 - photos by Sameer Ghai Photography
8th June 2012 - 10pm-6am, The Bussey building/CLF Art Cafe - 133 Rye Lane, SE15 4ST London
Wonderland's Midsummer Night's Dream - photos by Wicked And Sexy
Wonderland's Midsummer Night's Dream - photos by ThatWillisPhoto
Wonderland's Midsummer Night's Dream - photos by Laura McHugh
Friday, 18 May 2012, 10pm-6am, Islington Metal Works, Angel
Elysian Project VI - photos by ThatWillisPhoto
17th March 2012, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's 12th Night - photos by ThatWillisPhoto
Wonderland's 12th Night - by Smile www.sophiawhitfield.com
8th October 2011, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderlands Autumnal Rumble 2011 - photos by Bethany Sheldrick
Wonderland Autumnal Rumble 2011 - by Smile www.sophiawhitfield.com
18th June 2011, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Summer Swagger - photos by Gazzinho facebook.com/Gazzinho
19th March 2011, 10pm-6am, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, London Bridge, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Spring Bounce - March 2011 - photos by Bethany Sheldrick
Wonderland's Spring Bounce - March 2011 - photos by Smile www.sophiawhitfield.com
4th December 2010, 10pm-6am, Counter Culture, London Bridge, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Winter Wobbler 2010 - by Bethany Sheldrick (www.flickr.com/photos/bethanyhollysheldrick - bphotography@live.co.uk)
18th November 2010, 6pm-2.30am, Counter Culture, London Bridge, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Caterpillar's Cabaret - photos by Ellie Atkins www.ellieatkins.co.uk
2nd October 2010, 10pm-6am, Counter Culture, London Bridge, 7-9 Crucifix Lane, SE1 3JW
Wonderland's Fall Ball 2010 by Anthony Mortarelli
Wonderland Fall Ball 2010 - by Oliver Whitehead
Wonderland Fall Ball 2010 - by Smile www.sophiawhitfield.com