October 1998
I sometimes think that I should be much, more than I've become.
I've changed my mind by looking at my, soul for too long.
Too much time I've spent, analyse my feelings so that I've got,
insecure, and I'm, never sure what people mean to me or me to them,
I've become a more thoughtful, but a less communicative man.
If we go back right now, without having this night,
I fear that we'd drift so far that I,
I wouldn't feel like I know you any more...
We need to do this.
I often feel that I should be much, more than I am now.
I'm still the same person, just deeper inside now.
Too much time I've spent, analyse my feelings so that I've got,
insecure, and I'm, never sure what people mean to me or me to them.
There's so much I want to discuss, me, you, your house, my friends.
If we went back right now, without having this night,
I feel that we'll drift so far that I,
I wouldn't feel that I know you any more...
We need to do this.
So let's have a quiet night, talking and we'll smile,
and we'll know why we were friends right from the start.
We'll know each other, and you'll keep me in mind for another term
and we,
we need to do this.